Thursday, February 16, 2023

The Actress to Journalist Pipeline: Why I Chose Journalism


As a little girl, there was only one place I wanted to be when I grew up: Broadway

I did it all. I took voice lessons, dance lessons, and acting boot camps. There was nothing that made me happier than live theater (there still isn’t). I performed every chance I got from nursing homes to talent shows; all I wanted to do was tell stories through songs and acting. 

Once I got a little older, I faced a harsh reality, the theater world is cutthroat and I probably didn’t have the skills to make it. Being good in New Bern, North Carolina is a whole different ball game than being good in New York City. I didn’t have the look, I didn’t have the credentials, and I didn’t have the confidence. 

All throughout high school I still considered pursuing acting professionally, it wasn’t until my senior year that I considered journalism at all. 

“You’re a writer,” said my high school English teacher, “and a good one.”

I had written some short stories and a couple poems in my free time, but I had never considered it as a career path. However, my parents were thrilled to know I was somewhat interested in pursuing a field other than acting. 

I started to look into what journalists even do. I was able to take part in a journalism summer intensive where I learned that multiple of the guest speakers had some sort of theatrical background because actors and journalists have one very important thing in common: storytelling.

I have always known I wanted to be a storyteller, I just thought I would be telling stories on stage rather than on paper.

I came to college as a shy journalism major that barely knew what the word meant. I wasn’t even sure if journalists wrote about anything other than politics.

I have found many other journalism majors also interested in theatre with backstories similar to mine. Many do not realize the commonalities between the two. While I am now a proud journalism major, I am also a musical theater minor. I am able to keep that passion alive throughout my time here at High Point and use it as I explore the possibilities of arts and entertainment journalism. 

Minus a few mid-semester breakdowns where I considered completely changing fields, I am beginning to become equipped with the tools needed to become a twenty-first-century journalist through this class and many others required for the major. I am slowly but surely finding my voice.

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